Puerto Rico Limited Liability Company (LLC) Certificate of Formation
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Last Revised: March 3, 2025.
One may determine the availability of a proposed business name for use within Puerto Rico by querying the commonwealth's official Business Entity Search tool, maintained by the Department of State.
About this Form
A certificate of formation is the document that one must complete and submit to the government to establish the creation of an LLC within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. It sets forth the name of the proposed company, the registered agent for service of process, and the address of the place of business, among other information. The purchased version of this form is guaranteed compliant with the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. It comes complete with instructions and filing information for creating an LLC within the jurisdiction.Accepted Filing Methods
Puerto Rico accepts the filing of a certificate of formation form via mail or in-person delivery. It does not offer an e-file option.Name Availability & Requirements
The requirements for naming an LLC within the commonwealth are set forth in 14 L.P.R.A. § 3952. The name must contain the terms Limited Liability Company or Compañía de Responsabilidad Limitada or the abbreviation L.L.C. or C.R.L., or the designation LLC or CRL. For an L.P.L.L.C., it shall contain the terms a Low-Profit Limited Liability Company or Compañía de Responsabilidad Limitada con Fin Social or the abbreviation L.P.L.LC. or C.R.L.F.S. or the designation LPLLC, CRLFS or L3C. The name must be distinguishable from those of other entities on file with the government and may not infringe on any registered trademark.One may determine the availability of a proposed business name for use within Puerto Rico by querying the commonwealth's official Business Entity Search tool, maintained by the Department of State.
Required Fees
Puerto Rico imposes a fee of $250 for the filing of a certificate of formation. Two-hour expedite service is available for an additional $500, same-day service for an additional $200, or 24-hour service is available for an additional $100. Upon successful processing, the filer will receive back a stamped copy of the certificate.Statutory Authority & Requirements
The statutory authority for an LLC within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is Title 14, Chapter 239, Limited Liability Companies (14 L.P.R.A. 3951 et seq).The statutory requirements for a valid certificate of formation filing, although quite sparse, are set forth in 14 L.P.R.A. § 3952. At least one person is required to execute the formation document. The text of the statute reads as follows:
§ 3962. Certificate of formation.
In order to form a limited liability company, one (1) or more authorized persons shall execute a certificate of formation.
The execution, acknowledgement, filing and registration of the certificate of formation, as well as the amendment, cancellation, reaffirmation and revival of the corporate existence of a limited liability company shall be conducted in accordance with the terms and requirements established in this subtitle for corporations.
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Certificate of Formation of a Limited Liability Company
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Certificate of Formation of a Limited Liability Company
FIRST: The name of the limited liability company is:
El nombre deberá incluir uno de los siguientes términos o designaciones: "Compañía de Responsabilidad Limitada", "C.R.L.", "CRL".
The name must include one of the following terms or designations: "Limited Liability Company", "L.L.C.", "LLC".
SECOND: The street and mailing address of the main office of business is (include street, number and municipality)
The Resident Agent in charge of said office is:
THIRD: The nature of the business or purposes of the company are:
FOURTH:The name and the physical and mailing address (include street, number and municipality) of each authorized person(s) is:
FIFTH: If the faculties of the authorized person(s) will end upon the filing of the certificate of formation, the names and addresses (including street, number and municipality) of the persons who will act as administrators until the first meeting of the members or until their successors replace them are:
SIXTH: The term of existence of the limited liability company will be (you must choose one):
________ Perpetua / Perpetual
________ Fecha Especifica: / Specific Date:
Favor de indicar con una “x” la fecha en que la compañía de responsabilidad limitada tendrá vigencia:
Please indicate with an “x” the date on which the limited liability company will be effective:
For other optional clauses, see paragraph B of Article 1.02 of the General Corporation Law.
el/los suscribiente(s) siendo la(s) persona(s) autorizada(s) antes señalada(s), con el propósito de formar una compañía de responsabilidad limitada conforme a la Ley General de Corporaciones de Puerto Rico, juro/juramos que los datos contenidos en este certificado son ciertos, hoy día _______ del mes ________________________ del año _______________.
the undersigned being the authorized person(s) hereinbefore named, for the purpose of forming a limited liability company pursuant to the General Corporation Law of Puerto Rico, hereby swear that the facts herein stated are true this _______ day of the month of ________________________ of the year _______________.
Persona(s) Autorizada(s)
Authorized Person(s)
Entity's e-mail: ____________________________________
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