Kansas Limited Liability Company Articles of Organization
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The statutory authority for an LLC within the state is the Kansas Revised Limited Liability Company Act (Kan. Stat. Ann. § 17-7662 et seq.).
According to Kan. Stat. Ann. § 17-7920, the name of the LLC must include the words "Limited Company," "Limited Liability Company," or the abbreviation "L.C.," "L.L.C.," "LC" or "LLC." It may contain the name of a member or manager. One should check the availability of a proposed business name within Kansas by querying the official Business Entity Search database and the Trademark and Service Mark database maintained by the state.
Articles of Organization
First: The name of the limited liability company is ______________________________________ .
Second: The name of the registered agent and the address of the registered office in the state of Kansas is:
______________________________________ [Name of Registered Agent]
______________________________________ [Address, Line 1]
______________________________________ [Address, Line 2]
______________________________________ [City, State, Zip]
Third: The mailing address of the limited liability company is:
______________________________________ [Address, Line 1]
______________________________________ [Address, Line 2]
______________________________________ [City, State, Zip]
Fourth: The tax closing month of the limited liability company is ____________________.
Under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of Kansas, I affirm that the foregoing is true and correct.
Signature of Authorized Person
Typed or Printed Name of Authorized Person
Other Forms You May Need
- Kansas Limited Liability Company (LLC) Operating Agreement (Manager-Managed) with Essential Organizational Resolutions
- Kansas Limited Liability Company (LLC) Operating Agreement (Member-Managed) with Essential Organizational Resolutions
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