Illinois Limited Liability Company Articles of Organization
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About this Form
An articles of organization form is the document that one must complete and submit to the state to establish the creation of an LLC within the State of Illinois. It sets forth the name of the proposed company, and it may set forth other provisions, provided that they are not inconsistent with state law. The purchased version of this form is guaranteed compliant with the laws of the State of Illinois. It comes complete with instructions and filing information for creating an LLC within the state.Accepted Filing Methods
Illinois accepts the filing of articles of organization forms via U.S. mail or online via the Illinois Secretary of State's online system for e-filing documents.Name Availability & Requirements
The requirements for naming an LLC within the state are set forth in 805 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 180/1-10. The name of the LLC must contain the terms "limited liability company", "L.L.C.", or "LLC", or, if organized as a low-profit LLC under § 180/1-26, must contain the term "L3C". If the LLC will provide services licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, the name must instead contain the term "Professional Limited Liability Company", "PLLC" or "P.L.L.C.". The name must be distinguishable from those of all other entities on file with the state and may not infringe on any registered trademark.One may determine the availability of a proposed business name for use within Illinois by querying the state's official Business Search tool.
Required Fees
Illinois imposes a fee of $150 for the filing of articles of organization. Expedited service is available for an additional fee of $100. The state requires the annual filing of a report and payment of a $75 fee in each subsequent year.Statutory Authority & Requirements
The statutory authority for an LLC within the state of Illinois is the Limited Liability Company Act (805 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 180).The statutory requirements for a valid articles of organization filing are codified in 805 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 180/5-5. The text of the statute reads as follows:
§ 180/5-5. Articles of organization.
(a) The articles of organization shall set forth all of the following:
(1) The name of the limited liability company and the address of its principal place of business which may, but need not be a place of business in this State.
(2) The purposes for which the limited liability company is organized, which may be stated to be, or to include, the transaction of any or all lawful businesses for which limited liability companies may be organized under this Act.
(3) The name of its registered agent and the address of its registered office.
(4) A confirmation that the limited liability company complies with the requirement in subsection (b) of Section 5-1 that the company has one or more members at the time of filing or, if the filing is to be effective on a later date, that the company will have one or more members on the date the filing is to be effective.
(5) The name and business address of all of the managers and any member having the authority of a manager.
(5.5) The duration of the limited liability company, which shall be perpetual unless otherwise stated.
(6) (Blank).
(7) The name and address of each organizer.
(8) Any other provision, not inconsistent with law, that the members elect to set out in the articles of organization for the regulation of the internal affairs of the limited liability company, including any provisions that, under this Act, are required or permitted to be set out in the operating agreement of the limited liability company.
Article One--Entity Name. The name of the limited liability company is ______________________________________________, and the address of its principal place of business is ______________________________________________. (Note: This address may, but is not required to be, a place of business within Illinois. The state will not accept a P.O. Box alone or c/o.)
Article Two--Purpose. The purpose for which the Limited Liability Company is organized is the transaction of any or all lawful business for which Limited Liability Companies may be organized under the Illinois Limited Liability Company Act.
Article Three--Registered Agent and Office. The name of the registered agent of the Limited Liability Company is ______________________________________________, and the address of its registered office is ______________________________________________.
Article Four--Membership. The Limited Liability Company has or will have on the effective date of filing one or more members. The name(s) and business address(es) of the manager(s) and any member with the authority of manager:
Article Five--Duration. The duration of the limited liability company shall be perpetual.
Article Six--Name and Address of Organizer(s).
I affirm, under penalties of perjury, having authority to sign hereto, that these Articles of Organization are to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete.
Name and Title (type or print)
Address, City, State, and Zip
If organizer is signing for a company or other
entity, state name of company or entity.
Other Forms You May Need
- Illinois Limited Liability Company (LLC) Operating Agreement (Manager-Managed) with Essential Organizational Resolutions
- Illinois Limited Liability Company (LLC) Operating Agreement (Member-Managed) with Essential Organizational Resolutions
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