Maryland Lease to Purchase Option Agreement
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Last Updated: August 27, 2019.

About this Form
This form is an Option to Purchase, also known as a Lease Purchase Option Agreement. It fully complies with the requirements set forth under Title 8 of the Real Property Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. This option agreement grants the tenant the right to purchase the rental property during the term of the lease. The tenant can gain credit towards the purchase price with each on-time rental payment. No credit is earned for late payments. This form is intended to accompany a Maryland Residential Lease Agreement, a separate form that should be signed by both parties.
Maryland law defines a "lease option agreement" as "any clause in a lease agreement or separate document that confers on the tenant some power, either qualified or unqualified, to purchase the landlord's interest in the property." (See Md. Code Ann., Real Prop. § 8-202(a).)
Maryland law defines a "lease option agreement" as "any clause in a lease agreement or separate document that confers on the tenant some power, either qualified or unqualified, to purchase the landlord's interest in the property." (See Md. Code Ann., Real Prop. § 8-202(a).)
Preview of Form
While the Maryland version of this legal form is not available for preview prior to purchase, its language closely tracks that of our multi-state Lease to Purchase Option Agreement. That form is available for preview.
Failure to Comply
If a lease option agreement fails to comply with Maryland's specific requirements, according to Title 8, the lease, the lease option agreement, or both are voidable at the option of the party that did not draft the lease option agreement.
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