Alabama General Affidavit
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State of Alabama
County of ________________
BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary,
___________________________________________________ [name of Notary before whom affidavit is sworn], on this _________________
[day of month] day of
_________________ [month], 20____, personally appeared
[name of
affiant], known to me to be a credible person and of lawful age, who being by me
first duly sworn, on ________ [his or her] oath, deposes and says:
[set forth affiant's statement of facts]
[signature of affiant]
[typed name of affiant]
[address of affiant, line 1]
[address of affiant, line 2]
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this _________________ [day of month] day of
_________________ [month], 20____.
[Notary Seal:]
[signature of
[typed name of
My commission expires:
________________, 20____.
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