A tremendous amount of pre-law materials exists online. Below is a curated, categorized collection of Internet sites selected by current law students who have been kind enough to share with us what materials they believe would be among the most relevant to individuals applying to law school. This list is actively maintained, and
we welcome your suggestions.
LSAT Preparation Commercial Services
Kaplan Test Prep and
Kaplan's Law School and the LSAT Page
Princeton Review and
Princeton Review's Law School and LSAT PageLSAT Preparation Online Tutorials
GRE-LSAT Logic Workbook On-Line TutorialLSAT Registration
Law School Admission Council (LSAC)
Preparing for the LSAT
Online LSAT RegistrationLaw School Profiles & Admissions Statistics
2020 Raw Data Law School Rankings
ABA LSAC Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools
Law School Profiles
FeatureApplying to Law School
Choosing A Law School (Princeton Review)
Law School Application Timetable (Duke)
Your Law School Application Strategy (Princeton Review)Scholarships, Grants, Financial Aid
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (U.S. Department of Education)
FastWEB Scholarship Search
FinAid sponsored by
Monster.comSelect Pre-Law Advising Programs
Undergraduate students who are considering a career in the law most likely have a pre-law advisory center already available to them on their campus. However, we at ILRG have discovered that the quality of those programs vary significantly. We've selected below some of the best pre-law advisory programs in the U.S.
Pre-Law Advising Program at Duke University
Pre-Law Advising Program at Harvard University
Pre-Law Advising Program at Princeton University
Pre-Law Advising Program at Rice University
Pre-Law Advising Program at Stanford University
Pre-Law Advising Program at University of Chicago
Pre-Law Advising Program at University of Richmond
Pre-Law Advising Program at Yale University
Select Pre-Law Societies
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International
Pre-Law Society at Stanford
Pre-Law School Commercial Services
NOTE: The following commercial services are made available in this forum as a public service. The inclusion of them should not be construed as an endorsement. This web site has received no compensation from these commercial entities for their listing.
Application Services
Accepted.com, Inc. - Commercial, $85 per hour for consulting and editing
AdmissionsEssays.Com - Commercial, $65 fee to critique 1-2 page personal statement
First Year Prep Courses
Law Preview BarBri - five day program in Manhattan, tuition ranging from $975 to $1,275
Law School Rankings
2020 Raw Data Law School Rankings
Average GPA
LSAT Score
Acceptance Rate
Median Salary
Student-to-Faculty Ratio
Employment Rate at Graduation
Employment Rate 10 Months After Graduation
School Bar Pass Rate
States' Bar Pass Rates
Library Volumes
Male Faculty
Female Faculty
Minority Faculty
Minority Student Population
Thomas E. Brennan's Judging the Law Schools
Law School Rankings by Median Salary
Law School Rankings by Tuition
FeatureAnalysis of Law School Rankings
Cost-Benefit Analysis of American Law Schools