Summer Programs HAMLINE UNIVERSITY Jerusalem, Israel, June 24 - July 22 Director: Professor David M. Cobin Courses: Law, Religion and Ethics in a Multi-Cultural Setting (3); Medical Law and Ethics (2). Tuition & Fees: $1,900 per student, $100 fees, $120 books. Contact: Professor David M. Cobin Summer Study Abroad Program in Jerusalem Hamline University School of Law 1536 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 55104 Tel: 612 641-2968 Fax: 612 641-2435 
HOWARD UNIVERSITY Cape Town, South Africa, June 22 - August 1
Director: Associate Professor Ziyad Motele Courses: South Africa's Constitution in Comparative Perspective (2); International Trade: Doing Business with South Africa (2); International Business Transactions (2). Tuition & Fees: $3,220 tuition, (4-6 credit hours), course materials, tours, housing. Write to: Prof. Z. Motala Director of Comparative and International Law Program in South Africa Howard Law School 2900 Van Ness St. N.W. Washington, DC 20008 Include: Name, Address, Telephone Number, Law School, and Graduation Date Questions to: Professor Ziyad Motala at (202) 806-8044 or Ms. Michelle Moye Martin at (202) 806-8009 or fax (202) 806-8424 Click Here for Last Year's Brochure 
LOYOLA UNIVERSITY - NEW ORLEANS Cape Town, South Africa, June 3 - July 6 Director: Associate Professor Blaine LeCesne Courses: International Commercial Law (3); Administration of Criminal Justice f3); South African Law & Society (3). Tuition & Fees: $375 tuition per credit hour, $25 application fee, $50 late application fee. Write to: Foreign Summer Programs Loyola Law School 7214 St. Charles Ave., Box 901 New Orleans, LA 70118 Include: Name Current and Permanent Address along with Phone Numbers, Law School, and indicate program(s) of interest. 
SETON HALL UNIVERSITY Cairo, Egypt, June 7 - July 15 Courses: Comparative Legal Traditions; Islamic jurisprudence; International Environmental Law; International Business Transactions Tuition: $2,400 for 4 credits; $3,600 for 6 credits Housing: Free housing for enrollees Admission requirements: Completion or first year of law study in good standing at an ABA- approved law school Application deadline: April 15 Contact: Professor Bernard Freamon Summer Program for the Study of Law in the Middle East Seton Hall Law School One Newark Center Newark, NJ 07102 Tel: 201/642-8827 Fax: 201/642-8194 E-mail: 
TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Tel Aviv, Israel, June 16 - July 26 Temple Law School is offering its 20th annual Summer Session in Tel Aviv, Israel. This program's long- standing reputation for excellence has been well documented. The American Bar Association site evaluation report recently lauded it as "outstanding" and a "model summer program." Contact: Office of International Programs Temple University School of Law 1719 North Broad Street - Room 710 Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA Phone: (215) 204-8982 Fax: (215) 204-1185 E-mail: For complete program information visit Temple's website: URL: 
TULANE & CARDOZO INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Jerusalem, Israel, July 16 - August 15 Few countries in the world offer as exciting, interesting, and diverse a backdrop for summer study as Israel. This diversity is reflected in a variety of course offerings (conducted in English), that reflect the cultural, historical and political traditions of the country and provide exposure to areas of interest to all law students. Taught under American educational standards, the curriculum offers a unique opportunity for an enriching academic experience. Contact: Summer Study Abroad Program - Jerusalem, Israel Tulane Law School Joseph Griffen Weinmann Hall New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 70118 Tel: 504 865-5980 Fax: 504 865-6710 For complete program information visit Tulane's website: URL: 
VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Haifa, Israel, July 1 - August 8 The summer program will allow students to earn up to six semester hours (9 quarter hours) while becoming familiar with a country which is of religious and historic importance, and an emerging center of international business and commerce. Contact: Judge Abraham J. Gafni, Professor of Law Villanova University School of Law 299 North Spring Mill Road Villanova, PA 19085-1682 Tel: (610) 519-7010 Fax: (610) 719-5672 email: For complete program information visit Villanova's website: URL: 
WIDENER UNIVERSITY Nairobi, Kenya, June 17 - August 2 The information that we have on this program is still incomplete. More to come. Contact: Widener University School of Law Harrisburg Campus, 3800 Vartan Way Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA, 17110-9450 Tel: 717 545-3900 Fax: 717 541-3999 |